Friday, March 11, 2011

She Loves Me, I Love Her Not

We've had some really interesting conversations at meal time lately. Michael, of course, has all sorts of silly questions for the boys, which lead to lots of silly what ifs? "What would you do Alden starting roaring like a lion?" "What would you do if Thobe started growing leaves on his head?" "What would you do if Hyrum grew fins on his hands?" The boys, because they are Michael's sons, always come up with some silly answers and additional questions, which usually raises the volume about 36 notches, and we have mass pandemonium for the rest of dinner. Don't get me wrong, I love it, but our family keeps the din in dinner almost without exception.

Last night our conversation was one unlike we've ever had. Michael started asking Alden if he thought any of the girls in his class at church or at school were pretty. Alden of course gave his diplomatic answer that he always gives about girls, "None of them are pretty; none of them are ugly," and then blushed and tried to change the subject. 

But Michael being Michael couldn't leave it at that. He then said, "Alden, do you think any of the girls that you know like you?"

"No," Alden said in a disgusted tone.
"What would you do if they did like you?"

"I'd throw up."

Thobe was listening to all this with peaked interested. I noticed and asked, "Thobe, do you think the girls in your class like you?" To which, he confidently responded, "Yes, I know they do." We asked him if he knew who liked him, and he told us that he knows one person for sure. "Who is it?" we asked.

"I can't tell you. It's a secret, but her first name starts with a 'C' and her last name starts with a 'B.'"

"How do you know she likes you?"
"Well," he smiled, "she always helps me finish my work, if my shoe comes untied, she ties it for me, she sits by me in class, and she always says nice things to me, but .....I don't play with her at recess because I don't have time for her."

"Do you think she is pretty, Thobe?"

"Yes, she is very pretty," he said matter of factly.

"Well," concluded Alden while rolling his eyes, "she's probably just being nice to you."

I have to say though that if I were in kindergarten, I would be in love with Thobe and those dark eyes. He's pretty handsome if you ask me.


Brooks said...

It's just beginning I'm sure! Your boys are beautiful.

Melissa Monday said...

As are your boys--thanks, Jen :)